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Guatemala, Las Terrazas

Guatemala - Las Terrazas

Location: La Libertad, Hueheutenango

Varietal(s):  Caturra

Processing:  Washed 

Altitude: 1,750 to 2,100 metres above sea level

Owner: Renardo Ovalle Vides

In the cup: blueberry, hops

How we are drinking it:. In filter.. This is a complex coffee and the filter brings out all of those lovely complex flavours!


La Terrazas in Guatemala

Las Terrazas is situated in the middle of a limestone valley in la Libertad, Huehuetenango. The valley creates a stable microclimate, protecting the farm from extreme weather conditions. This, along with the chalky soils contributes to the dense, syrupy body, and pronounced malic acidity in the cup. Coffee grows at up to 2100 masl here, giving the cup a very refined acidity and floral characteristics.

Las Terrazas was purchased by Renardo Ovalle Vides in 2012, with the intention of growing different varietals such as SL28, pacas, pacamara, typical and geisha. Renardo has also been experimenting with honey and natural processing, and has built a parabolic drier in order to create a clean cup in the humid conditions.

Large parts of the farm are protected areas of wild forest, much of which is used to prevent soil erosion and reduce the plants exposure to winds. This is based on a permaculture model, with the intention of sustainability and respect for the environment, to try and recreate coffee’s natural habitat in high altitude forests.


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